Our Office in Knightsbridge



We help our clients reach
specific solutions, increase
the value



Our expertise extends....


Cherie & Co. Broker Programme

Cherie & Co. Central London Broker Programme:

Contact Cherie Matthews today on 02071014732 or email cherie@cherieandco.uk.


After a successful career in the property industry Cherie & Co. have decided to expand its operation nationally by inviting high profile property brokers to join Cherie & Co. The operational design is focused to make career-inclined people successful and to achieve this Cherie & Co. is custom-designed for each individual’s success – this includes the specific set-up, business plan and standard operational procedures. Cherie & Co. guarantees success if its recipe is followed, something it monitors closely through firm internal disciplines, structures and integrity. The company offers a full suite of services, and whatever else supports the broker to dominate a specific area and market.


We need brokers who specialize in:

A. High end property sales & acquisitions including portfolios.
B. Commercial property sales including portfolios.
C. Hotel sales in London and other parts of the country.
D. Sales of buildings with a development angle.


What particular niche does Cherie & Co. provide to an interested broker?

The reason for joining Cherie & Co. should be the drive to become the best you can be, financially and personally.



The discerning client who wants a qualified and measurable service with real value must make use of the Cherie & Co. team and that means you. The very close support, training and coaching throughout in Cherie & CO. is the core of the company and a key differentiator.


Set-up process
each business is unique and will have a uniquely designed set-up plan. Cherie & Co. offers a comprehensive 12 step plan for any set-up. These steps encompass the following: the interview, overview, costing, business disclosure, area investigation and evaluation, blueprint planning, final costing, signing of agreement, training, set-up implementation, recruitment, launch (es), signing off as ready, performance management, ongoing coaching and support. This can take up to four weeks to be up and running. In this process everything will be covered, from software, hardware, furniture, statutory requirements, cash flows, business plans, to personality tests. At the end of this set-up a licensee will have a custom designed Operating Manual, covering all aspects needed to run this business successfully.


What particular personality is necessary?
People, who really want to become financially independent, be their own boss, are willing to work hard, who take responsibility for their own destiny and have commitment, attitude and passion. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme or for people who give up easily. Cherie & Co is for self starters and disciplined “vasbyters”.


Skills necessary
Cherie & Co trains the brokers in the skills required and facilitates future education, from internal courses to university degrees and professional qualifications. Just bring the right personality.


Make or break success factors
the right personality, following the Cherie & Co recipe, working capital and cash flow.


Roles and tasks of an Cherie & Co broker:
This all depends on the size and field of focus of your business and your involvement. Cherie & Co. will train and guide you to operate with confidence. The custom-designed management system will only take a few minutes a day of your time to empower  you with the operational information on which you need to act proactively.

Russian desk




Our unique team combines transaction, operational and consultancy.

100% Private Equity Finance

We also arrange private equity
finance for clients who need it
combined with creative
engineered funding.


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Broker Programme

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